I realize I've been on a huge Wiccan kick on LJ lately (mostly of the "we rock NYAH NYAH" variety, which is so karmically bad >>;) but here's something cute. I don't actually post this to teach as much as to point out that I adore Dianne Sylvan so, so, so much. And if you're bored, read her Conversations With The God/Lord of the Dance/Jeff, because they're really funny and really empowering and beautiful at the same time. It says she has an LJ -- I think I shall stalk friend her *shifty eyes.*
Cute List o' Pagan Important Facts My favorite quotes include: "We don't worship rocks, at least not in the way you'd think. Rocks, like trees and clouds and the Moon and your Uncle Albert, are all part of the Divine...." (Hail and well met, Uncle Albert? Suuuure.) and ... "Most of the time during our rituals we have enough of a problem getting ten people to chant together--group sex would be a logistical nightmare." and finally and fabulously, "A person who is truly in touch with his or her spiritual nature is a beautiful thing no matter what faith witnessed it."
Still have the cold from hell, and am doing homework. Well. I was, until I started reading Sylvan's website. Oy vey. Now I will never get back to my religion reading. In class on Monday, actually, I ended up having to explain to my prof and everyone else that I'd left Christianity to find a
'more woman positive religion', and it was a teensy bit uncomfortable for me, but hey. As a note, I don't think (now! Then, I was thirteen and honestly what can be expected of that?) that Christianity isn't woman positive; it just wasn't Alice Positive. And we were discussing Gender and Religion in class, and the author brought up Neo-Paganism and forgot to mention that, oh yeah, we're not just Goddess worshippers, we have a God too.
GAH! Must do reading and not talk about reading!