(no subject)

Jun 03, 2012 19:00

The other night, there was a discussion about what is needed for good "networking".
I do not believe that enough artists out there actually network. I see them complain about not getting commissions or jobs. Yet, these are the same people who sit around thinking people are going to magically appear out of thin air without them having to work for it. So here's a brief, brief bit about that.

You are selling a product. No one will know about your product unless they see advertisement. Get your ass out there and INTERACT WITH PEOPLE ON A REGULAR BASIS. Put out ART. Comment to people and not just "o cool" "dis is nice".

When I started out on DA, no one knew who the fuck I was. I knew what I needed to do to fix that. So I started going around and making buddies. Now, I'm not saying to start spilling your life problems or becoming BFF with people (I'm going to say to NOT DO THAT AT ALL), but check in with people. Draw some little gift arts and don't expect anything back. See people as opportunities. Sound harsh? You bet! But that's how you network. Someday, someone you impressed may say "Gee, Tim Gerd needs a design done... hmm... I remember that Yiffy4728 was good with that, he was pretty cool to me... Hey Tim! Check out Yiffy4728!"

I also highly advise against gallery wipes, threatening to leave websites forever multiple times, and please learn to control your temper. The more you leave/come back/leave/come back, the more flighty and less reliable you look. There's some people that I know of who do that, and I don't even bother following all of their new accounts anymore. Why? Chances are, you're going to pull the same thing over and over again and be a continuous let down. I'm not wasting time with you.

Suck up a bit to people, kiss a lot of ass. Yeah, it stinks that that's how the world works, but that's how it is if you want to get anywhere. No one gets anywhere by expecting others to find them. Good things don't come to those who wait, good things come to those who get out there and make it fucking happen.
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