Apr 17, 2012 21:32
Dear CoffeeRepublic: "Iced lemon tea" is not water+lemon syrup+ice; I could make that at home for about three pence. Thank you.
Dear Oxford: I don’t know enough about how your disciplinary procedures generally work to pass judgement, but I am not impressed with the way the Proctors’ investigation into my late coursework was entirely between the proctors and the College academic admins. If you’re making decisions about my work, having said final decisions forwarded onto me from intermediaries without any direct contact seems a little ... off.
Dear Proctors: If I could receive your judgement fining my £50 earlier than THE DAY BEFORE I HAVE TO PAY BY, it would be appreciated. Because telling people they have to pony up by the next day OR ELSE is more than a little off. Luckily I had the money to hand; I can’t imagine every student, at the start of term, would have spare fifty pounds to fling around.
Dear French Oral on Thursday: I wish I had motivation to revise for you. Please be over soon.
Dear World: Hello! I am back from miolidez and generally pretty okay! I have lots of nice things to eat! (Including a supply of American confectionary which I bought for the lulz with my remaining dollars at the end of my time in the Virgin Islands. Peanut butter-based chocolate is nom.) I had a delicious bowl of soup and two slices of toast earlier and it all stayed down! I have books and lots and lots of TV to watch! (Korrrrrrrrrrrrrraa!) I also have stress and exams and angst! I have far too many exclamation points! If they are used sequentially, is that still the sure sign of a diseased mind?