Worky stuff

Feb 20, 2012 18:14

I am taking a break from 'pretending to work' to calculate just how much work I have to do. My awesome maths skills are telling me that if I write 5000 words/week for the next three weeks, I will get everything done and even have time to edit and stuff in 9th Week. 5000 words. I can totally do that. Really.
Even more wildly optimistic: I have so far written just over 2000 words on Vivien. Most of it is disjointed, random half-paragraphs on something that struck me as interesting spread over about 50 documents of notes and scribbles, but it exists. If I can write another decent 5000 words this week, my essay will be pretty much finished and I can let my tutor see it and offer suggestions while he actually has time and I can concentrate on my translation portfolio! I live in hope. The fact that I have written 300 words - at most - today and considered it real progress, I will gloss over.
Sitting in Ricks, an awesome French cafe down Cowley which has lots of expensive French pastries and really good coffee and hot chocolate. And macaroons.

<-(disclaimer: Not actually the same macaroons and probably less delicious.)

I think looking at Google Image pictures of macaroons and macrons is one of the most soothing things possible, particularly when you can also SMELL THEM.

15,000-16,000 words to write before Friday of Ninth
  • <8000 on Vivien
    • 2500
    • 2500
    • 2500
  • Portfolio task 1:
    •  1000 words
    • 1000-1500 word commentary
  •  Portfolio task 2 <2500
    • Translation
    • Commentary
  • Portfolio task 3 1500-2500 words
    • a balanced critical analysis of the theorist’s ideas in the form of a well-structured argument

2325 / 16000 words. 15% done!

procrastination as life strategy, yay maths, let me tell you about renee vivien, work doom despair, foooood

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