im excited.
Tomorrow and tuesday = smiles all around. I am going out for greek food and to an arcade (shh i know.. its my kind of date... and you all know your jealous that its not
I leave for flordia in 4 days.. i hope to come back and be stress free, have a clear mind and know what i want.
Today i handed in my application to be on TVO's series - SKOOLED.
hahaah they are lookign for an alternative kid and one of my friends was talking to the lady that does the casting, she called me and told em she wants to meet up and taht I should fill out the applictation too.
soo.. hahah Ty might be the new hottest tv star... ahahh okie...taht be pretty sweet tho
I feel like a knob.. i have doen alot of knob things in the past few weeks... and over the weekend.... yeah.. deffinately feel like a knob
Anyway.. here are some pix from Genderfukt
and of course... dirk doing what dirk does best
and holden being all manly and stud muffin... yeah thats my brother *smiles proud