
Feb 06, 2006 08:16

Baofu gave a long sigh as he trudged up the steps that led to his work space. The place was littered with wiretapping equipment, several computers, computer cases and other cables laying around. He carefully stepped over them, skillfully keeping his cup ramen from spilling all over the floor and papers that he held in his other hand.

When the ramen and papers were set down on his desk, he plopped down in his chair, which gave an earsplitting screech under his weight. The horrible acoustics of his lair made the sound only worse. After getting himself comfortable, he opened up a laptop computer and began to type. Nothing new on the rumor forums...

Now that the routine stops were made, it was time for work. He neatly spread out four bunches of papers on his desk, after shoving a mess of cables and whatnot to the side. Each stack was a few pages thick with a picture of either Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield, Leon Scott Kennedy and Jill Valentine paperclipped onto the top. With a quirked brow, Baofu picked up the bunch of papers dedicated to Claire, and skimmed through them. Most of the information was on the Claire that he'd met in the Nexus, rather than the one that Rebecca had asked about. As far as he knew, the Claire from Rebecca's universe was living happily away from a potential outbreak of zombies.

He had a fair amount of information on Leon. Significant other of the Claire he met in the Nexus, and a government agent. Acquaintance of the Salazar kid. And, hm... Chris. Claire's brother, an acquaintance of Rebecca's. He'd recently started up a private eye business. As for Jill, he knew next to nothing about her.

Baofu re-read all of his notes and tapped his fingers on the desk for a few long moments of consideration. "Ch..." he muttered to himself, and queued up his email program. He inputted Wesker's private Umbrella email address, which had taken more than just a little work to procure. The subject line was "Benedict" and he started typing the body of the email, which included all of the above notes. He closed the email:

I have more information on these four, particularly the Redfields; you seemed most interested in them. I can give you the said information in a face-to-face meeting. Let me know when and where. I'll be waiting.

"That's it. No more playing around." He said to himself, and pressed the send button. A sinking feeling came over him as he watched the email's status bar go to 100%. Wesker could trace the email. Wesker could find this Sumaru City base of operations. And if that would ever happen... well, it would not be good. At all.

Baofu yelled out a long string of curses in Chinese, and slammed the lid of the laptop down.


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