
Feb 28, 2009 11:20

I know I haven't been updating quite as much and I really should. My Carrie system has failed miserably. She's not to be of complete blame. I am at fault as well.

This is an illustration I have done for my illustration concepts class. The concept of the week was "fear." After doing several random sketches of fear, my teacher found the most amusing one was my phobia of dogs(animals in general). I have a love/fear relationship with all animals. Dogs scare me the most usually because they are really into running towards you to get affection. Carrie knows this fear well b/c when I was at her house once, she went to the bathroom, and she let her dogs out loose. They darted towards me. I was so terrified that I ran to her room and locked myself in screaming for her to save me from her dogs. I don't HATE animals. I want to make that clear. They have so much uncontrollable love and they show it ever so fervently. I LOVE dogs especially French Bullies, they are so adorable, but I just have this phobia when I'm not at a safe distance from them. It's a tragedy really.

This was done with markers and color pencils. Click on image for larger image.

love, fear, illustration, dog, hellcangetus

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