A more entertaining way to tear a phone book in half

Feb 22, 2009 11:12

Well, it's not actually a phone book, but the size and weight are about the same. After a bad week at work I needed to unwind over the weekend, and as it happened we had some catalogs at work that were either out of date or redundant. My supervisor let me take them, knowing full well what was about to happen.

Before. I found some target stickers at Wal-Mart while I was looking for something else, and one of those stickers is on the spine of the catalog. The shreds of paper were from the previous catalog. As you can see, the barrel I was using to help hold up the catalog has had a lot of rounds shot through it.


I used two rifles to tear it up. The one on the left is my rifle, a Marlin 25N. The one on the right was my grandpa's rifle, which was given to him in 1944.
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