HP/LOTR Crossover "Ezellahen" Ch. 5

Sep 03, 2008 16:46

"Ezellahen" www.fanfiction.net/s/4501367/1/Ezellahen

Hello everyone, I recently took up translation a story called "Ezellahen' by Utena-Puchiko-nyu and Angeli Murasaki at FF.net (originally in Spanish). I think I will be posting any new info on my progress here from now on. If anyone were to check this out (which I doubt) or if they would like to leave a comment about the story, but don't want to post it at FF.net or something...then they are welcome to do so here.

Current Progress:
Chapter 5 - The Truth About the Arrival: 100%

Posting Estimates:
Chapter 5 - The Truth About the Arrival: Please read note below:

Sorry guys my computer is cursed! I can't get the damn thing to work right, I can't find chapter 5. I always proofread my work right before I am to post it, but since I can't find it  I"m gonna have to translate it again!! I will post it as soon as I can. It will be easier since I already did it once, so I think it should be ready sometime tomorrow night or Wed morning.  A million apologies! I'll make it up to you all, I promise.

Edit 9/9/08: I am sorry to say that real life has caught up with me at the moment. I won't be able to finish this chapter as planned. I think I will probably be doing so sometime this weekend. Please have patience and accept my apologies. I won't be leaving this project so don't worry, I just have some things to take care of right now. ^_^

Edit 9/12/08: Finally! Sorry for the delay and here it is, the update you had all been waiting for!  =) www.fanfiction.net/s/4501367/6/Ezellahen

translation, ezellahen, harry potter crossover, hp/lotr crossover

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