Got the tickets. Ugh. $180 was the second lowest priced next to the ceiling seats, which were $80. Other prices were $270 (down the sides and back) and $380 (floor seats), so no possible way to afford them!
Even so, best I could get was "a bit around the corner" from the stage. Still, I'll be about 30 yards from my boys the whole night and (I think) we'll be up on bleachers, so the view should be about eye level with them. I'm just feeling really lucky that I have such a unique chance to attend something like this. It is truly going to be epic/sad/great/bitter/fun.
Anyways, here's the nearest I can estimate where the seats are.
Would have posted much sooner, but I've just been hammered with work all day and now I have a bunch more stuff to finish before tomorrow's Black Tuesday fun. w00t.