LEGO MMORPG game announced. Woo! LEGO Universe is in development. Full story
But because all good news comes with bad news in my life. It's the way of things. Last night, we had our garage broken into again. A little over a year ago, this happened but we've been careful to lock the cars even though we don't usually lock the garage door. I know, you're thinking "Oy! Dumbass! Why would you not lock the door after the last time?". Well, my reasoning was that if someone wants to get into my garage, the singlle-pane window at the top of the door won't really stop anyone. However, I would assume that anyone who got in would find locked cars a sufficient deterrent because breaking the windows would sound the car alarms, so they can grab a wrench or some garden implements if they want, but I won't have to replace a window. And besides, it was a single event, we locked the door for months afterwards until it was obvious it was an anomaly.
Well, anomaly no more. Sigh. I called the police and told them what happened and they sent over Lori Metcalf. Remember Roseanne's sister from the Roseanne show? Yeah, her.
hellziggy noticed a knife in the driveway (steak knife, no blood or anything) so we picked it up in a bag and I gave it to the officer. She said she expected to hear more about it from other neighbors since it's rarely one house in cases like this. Surprisingly, as she was leaving, a neighbor of mine was walking up the street and called out to her. I didn't hear the whole conversation but something about him wanting to report something and I heard the word "smashed", so apparently we got off easy. I'm going to wander down to his house later and see what happened.
No anomaly at all. Well, bring on the locked doors, I guess. Heavy sigh.
To top it off, I felt totally crappy yesterday so I'm working from home today in a desperate bid to nip this in the bud since work is carAZy busy. Thank God and/or random chemical interactions I have that option. Sigh some more.