Sun, 19:01: Trove story: international research (hello overseas libraries and universities, can you help support) Bigamy case that captivated Perth in 1910 and fascinated public for decades catches eye of marriage researcher via @ ABCaustralia
Mon, 09:27: RT @ WomensArtForAll: Andrea #Love produces reels of stop-motion animation with fibres. This production is incredibly detailed and makes a g…
Mon, 09:39: RT @ fakehistoryhunt: I haven't read the book yet (sorry @ GoingMedieval ) but this review is doing a great job at making me move it up the w…
Mon, 12:26: RT because I'm properly sick (covid finally got me after years of being careful and masked) and I want to be in bed or watching TV, not doing work meetings and getting deadlines. 😢