(no subject)

Sep 05, 2008 11:16

Well this is pretty surreal...

Here I am, back from summer vacation and... I don't have to go to school? That's nuts!

Anyhow, the process of job hunting (there's plenty of jobs in software engineering, good for me) has started. Got a few interviews done, might have more on Monday, and then hopefully I'll have some offers by the end of next week. Then I start apartment hunting! It's all pretty wacky and surreal for me right now, but I don't mind :-)

And also, a random link + semi-dare. Cracked.com has posted a top 10 of disturbing PSAs, and boy are they ever unsettling (including the infamous Ontario workplace safety/face melting ad). They should just make a compilation of them and release it in theaters... scariest movie ever!

You know they could just take the workplace safety ads, string them together and call it "Final Destination 4: There's Been an Accident" . And throw in the German forklift safety one for good measure :-)

Here's the link because I'm evil :-) They're not all violent and gruesome, but not for the faint of heart still. http://www.cracked.com/article_16051_10-most-disturbing-psas-from-around-world.html
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