I don't want to believe that
this is a real news story, but it looks like even
CNN is reporting on the fact that Bush seems to want to do everything he can to ruin the country entirely before he finally leaves office - this time by trying to get a plan passed that defines birth control and IUDs as abortions.
Honestly, is he serious? Can he BE this horrible? Even putting aside my feelings on women's rights - what about the women like me who have to use birth control to help regulate their period (and for general health issues which fall under the umbrella of having PCOS)? Sure, the bill wouldn't make birth control illegal but it would make it hard as hell to get any insurance company to help defray the cost - which leaves poor people like me in a very unhealthy place. What could Bush be thinking with this - aside from to give handjobs to the religious right who supported him and got him where he is? I know Bush has been continually giving the country the finger (especially in the last few months) but I can't believe the brass balls on this idiot. Fortunately, I believe that there are enough wise people out there to shoot this down before it can see the light of day.