I had work from 8 AM to 2 PM, then I went to con and got Nana'd-up. I've always been eh about wearing fake eyelashes, but WOAH, now I see why they're so popular o__o They really do make a difference...
Walked around with Hikaru as Hachiko, so cute! Ran into a Shin/Nana pair and took some pics with them, hee ("What now?" "Uh...." "Switch Nanas!").
I want to point out that my pendant was LEGIT Vivienne Westwood and my cigs were LEGIT Seven Stars. Heehee. (Someday I'm going to have an ENTIRE VW outfit for Nana...but for now I'm looking for the shoes...and need to get her finger guard ;__; Not to mention that I want
this scent for Howl...)
Iron Cosplay! We nabbed a friend we made at con to be our lovely model, hehe. It was intense! Three teams (us included) competed Iron-Chef-style to create a cosplay in 2 hours. We literally had no idea what we were doing until they told us to open our reference books...the theme turned out to be VAMPIRES and the secret ingredient was METAL WASHER. Whaaaaaaaaat???? So we frantically flipped through the book and decided on Vincent Valentine, using metal washers as buckles.
...halfway through, we all stop and look at each other..."Vincent...isn't a vampire o__o"
Ah, well, it was in the book provided by the judges, so it counts XD
The returning champions also made Vincent Valentine!! And used up alllll the fabric I wanted to use for OUR Vincent!! Ah, well, in the end the last group, which made Dracula from Castlevania, won. We all had fun anyway XD (Yes, we made the headband, cape, shirt, belts/girdle, pants, boot covers, shoe armor, arm armor, and gun in 2 hours. @_@)
On the other hand, Hikaru and I won a Hall Cosplay Award for the first day of con as Hikaru/Kaoru! :D
Afterwards, I practiced mah song and then we went to Karaoke~ it was a lot of fun seeing others perform! A lot dancing and silliness, heee. Only nine competitors, including myself...uweeeh it was hard to sing as Nana because she's ALL OVER THE MIC, leaning on it, but the blend isn't right if you actually sing like that, unless you sing with...very little sound O_o Whatever. It was cute, when I went up, Hikaru ran to the front seat and squealed, "Naanaaaa!!!" and then everyone was like, *look it's Hachi! And Nana! Glamorous SKY! Ah!*
Ehhh performance was okaaay...I didn't fully memorize one verse thingy because I originally wasn't planning on competing, so I did have a little slip of paper with only that one line on it ^^;
Won first place, whoo! Lots of stuff...o___o
Hikaru and I really wanted to karaoke during open mic (being there kind of put us in the mood, y'know?), but we were also STARVING, and we felt that a con well-accomplished was deserving of a splurge of food at a legit diner's. So off we go to Mel's Diners...eeee, Hikaru look so fitting as Hachiko in there XD
After foodage, we went back to the karaoke room, which was closing, so we watched the karaoke coordinators sing...they're actually EXTREMELY GOOD o___o (but silly XD) Then we went and hung out with...whoever was left ^^; I think the circle of people eventually go tired of spin-the-bottle-hug-style or whatever they were playing and moved on to Truth or Dare, because one person ran up to me, apologized, snapped my garter, and then ran back to the circle. o___o She then came back and apologized about it again after the circle dispersed. Uh...okay...^^;
Oh! One girl was really nice and gave Hikaru and me a Nana poster that she didn't sell at Swap Meet. So sweet! *hearts*
Uhhhh, yeah, that's basically it. Oh, I bought a TV from the gaming dudes for $1, for Keiki when she eventually moves to an apartment XD So Hika and I took a taxi home~
Had lots of fun! Yay for seeing friends and making new ones!
Special thanks to everyone who gave me stuff, haha XD (I mean...seriously...I was not expecting the gifting of SO MUCH CHOCOLATE o__o I shall have to think of something brilliant to return the favor, huuuuuu)
Actually, we were planning on DOGS for Day 2, but I mentioned that I should probably do a test run of "Glamorous SKY" (in whatever cosplay, I just wanted to sing it, really) since I was planning on competing with it at Fanime. Hikaru then wanted to switch to NANA, since she wanted to test run her Hachiko (originally she and Haruhi were going to do Nana/Hachiko together :3). Errr and then she made me sign up for karaoke competition at AOD. Yeeeeah, that's how that went down -__-; (now I need to memorize new songs for Fanime, haha~)
PHAB JAMS has assembled the ALL members of BLAST, as a FUNCTIONING band, EXCEPT for a DRUMMER. That's all we need! Yasu! He's super important! Gah! Soo...if you know any drummers who won't mind cosplaying with us, we would super appreciate you pointing them out...or at least someone who can fake it okay or be up to snuff in...iunno...half a year? We're not performing as a group anytime SOON soon, I don't think...O_o...