To distract me from my distress (whut), have a bunch of memes. (I don't even know how to pronounce that.)
From Twin:
21 Love Questions
you opened it, you have to do it
Or a loved one will be in an accident
Even if you didn't mean to open it,
Still do it! You must answer every question ((TRUTHFUL))
1) Names you go by:
Beside my real name: Heulangel, Heulu-chan, Shar, SharShar, SharSharon, Sharona ( friends...are really uncreative. or my name is fun o__o;;), Kaoru, Yuui, ShadowKing-ofthe-ShadowKing (to my OH!smeCK members XD)...
2) Four things you are wearing right now?
shorts, t-shirt, men's short-sleeve dress shirt (worn open and over t-shirt), undergarment...
3) Are you currently in a relationship?
4) Have you ever been given a rose?
A bajillion. Hello, theatre? :D I've dried them all and have them arranged in vases :3
5) Have you ever licked your foot?
o__o No.
6) Ever been in love?
7) Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
Perhaps, but not everyone finds that person in their lives. Legend has it that destined lovers are reincarnated seven times, you know. But what's the chances of running into each other? And what if I happen to be your soulmate, but there's some sort of barrier, either mental/social/physical, that prevents me from seeing myself as your soulmate? What if all of these issues cause me to have shortcomings and, although I'm supposed to be your destined soulmate and would be SUPER UBER HAPPY if I was with you, I can't see that or resist from seeing that and then don't end up being with you? But doesn't that mean I'm NOT your soulmate???
8) What's your current problem right now?
Portfolio from last quarter is giving me SO MUCH PAIN. WTF, man, I had 15+ illustrations to do...and everyone else had like...6. o__o
9) Have you ever had your heart broken?
IT'S NOT BROKEN. much. It's slowly catching up to me. >__>;
10) Your thoughts of long distance relationship?
*points* Cid & Haruhi. SOOO CUTE.
12) How many kids do you want to have?
uh. If any...I would adopt...uh...o__o;;
13) Whats your favorite color/s?
...purple? I like purple things :3
14) Do you believe you're truly in love only once?
THIS IS LIKE. A huge concern. Because! People falling and out of love, that's horrible. So so if I think I love someone but then get over it later does that mean I didn't really love that person??? And that maybe it was good that nothing happened between us?? But but if I really really really think I love somebody to the point that I DO believe I love that person, but it's better to get over it because there's NO HOPE, that means that I SHOULDN'T get over it because that would prove that I didn't really love that person.
But then.
You're kinda stuck.
15) Have you ever found it hard to tell anyone you like them?
16) Imagine you're 40 & your spouse just died, would you get re-married? Iunno. I can't really answer this one because I have interest in marrying in the first place ^^;;;
17) At what age did you start noticing the opposite/both sexes?
Iunno. That Canadian guy in 4th grade was good-looking. My close friend had a huuuuuge crush on him, HAHA.
18) What song do you want played at your wedding?
Never thought about this o__o I mean, I've entertained the idea of a Renaissance-themed wedding (EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE APPROPRIATELY DRESSED)
*looks up "At the Beginning" - Twin's song*
It makes me have...sappy thoughts...ughuu...T___T
19) Do you like anyone?
"Like"? Of course. ^^;;; I like all of my friends, my family, my pets, yadda yadda.
Pft. Twin's response XD
20) Do you think the person you like likes you?
21) If someone liked you, do you want them to tell you?
It's sweet :3
B-but it puts me in a...difficult position...because! I want to be friends with everyone! I don't want anyone to feel bad or offended or anything if I don't feel the same ;_________; I don't like it when people make up stuff and go "ahhhh you don't like me because I'm ugly" or something stupid like that T_____T Why whould you think I think horrible things about you? D: ;_____;
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 11 random facts or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 11 people to be tagged and why you picked them. Don't forget to leave those people a comment with "Tag, You're It!" and "Please Read My Blog". You can't tag the person who tagged you, so when you are done, let me know you have posted your blog so I can read your answers.
Tagged by Twin.
I tag...whoever will do it.
1. I don't like eating. No, no, I like food, I just don't like eating. Like, the action of eating. To sit down and be obliged to eat, I hate that. I love eating socially and I'll eat because I need the sustinance, but...augh, it makes sense in my head. When I was in elementary school, my father would cook up these huge breakfasts for me. Like, 3 slices of bacon, two pancakes, toast, and eggs. My little first-grade self could not possibly eat all that. Buuut I did anyway, because, if I didn't, I would get yelled at for presumebly being ungrateful and disliking his cooking. Which was untrue, but mostly made me feel sad because I didn't want him to feel unappreciated ;__; Anyway, I almost missed the bus one day because I couldn't finish my breakfast but my father made me snarf down that pancake anyway and I almost missed the bus. And then the bus driver scolded me for not coming earlier, but I couldn't have come earlier because I was snarfing breakfast.
...uhm, point is, I hate eating.
2. I enjoy sleeping, but I generally avoid it because I get all deep-thinking right before I sleep. And usually my conclusions on stuff suck, which is depressing, and then I'm all depressed before I sleep. So, alone, I don't sleep unless I'm exhausted, usually.
3. I really enjoy tea. In fact, I make a killer good milk tea. I've been drinking tea non-stop recently, too (it's like...Twin's coffee complex ^^;). Coffee-wise, I only drink what hardcore coffee drinkers call the "lame" mocha. BUT. MOCHA IS KICK-ASS.
4. Speaking of tea, I collect pottery with sakura on them. IT'S SORT OF A WEIRD OBSESSION. I have several tea cups...origianlly it started with teacups, but then I got some cute bowls...and plates. I bought an epic tea set when I went to Japan, cuz it had this sakura motif. Bahkibulle also remembered I <3 tea and pottery and got me loooots of tea and a western-style tea set for gifts o__o Woooohoo...I don't need to buy plates/cups/bowls/plates when I move, haha.
5. My best hours are between 12 Midnight and 3 AM.
6. I have intolerance for intolerance/morons.
7. I'd rather like being considered a cute boy. Girls are a lot more truthful when they hit on you...they flirt only because they think you're cute. Men tend to want to get in your pants, though, and that's no fun at all .__.
8. I have no interest in marriage/sex. For some reason, people find this insanely odd. I mean, I've entertained the idea of marriage as a ceremony (like, ZOMG Renaissance wedding??), but not as a partnership...personal...whatever. It's just not one of the major goals in my life. I think a lot of people tend to put too much emphasis on this, and then you end up with silly people who stress out like "Ah! I don't have a girl/boyfriend! Ah! Crisis-crisis!" .__.
Which kind of amuses me a little. Get on with your own life before worrying about partnering with someone else's life.
Wow I sound cynical.
9. I have very little concern for my existance.
10. My age is...hahahahaha you thought I would tell you! Most everyone freak out when they find out. LOL.
Most frequent guess is 24. That's a very exact number o_O
Make a guess, tell me why?
11. In order for me to do a lot of things, I need to thoroughly convince myself that I am NOT doing those things or that those things are, in fact, impossible. I call it the "Howl-complex," haha. (read Howl's Moving Castle. the book.)
...reading over answers...they're kind of negative...sorry, guys, it's that time of night, and my head's in a mad rush (distress). I actually got tagged twice for the Random Facts thing and I think I still have a meme I need to do from someone else, so...uh...I'll try at some other time. Maybe you'll see better/less dreary answers, eh?