Tired Ramblings

Jun 21, 2011 16:44

During Helen Rose's swim lesson today, I noticed how beautiful her instructor is. She has a lot (a lot) of freckles, and she probably hates them. I hope she knows that she also has a thick veil of perfectly straight blonde hair, sparkling green eyes, and a thick fringe of dark black eyelashes. She also has a small waist and a flat stomach and strong shoulders. But she's 19, so I'm guessing she doesn't know all those good things and she only hates her freckles.

Meanwhile, I had a dream last night that is messing with me. I thought I was fine, but apparently there's still a 21-year-old me living in there that gets messed up by this stuff.

And I just realized it's Tuesday, as the garbage truck came rumbling by but not picking up my garbage because I forgot to bring it down again. Shit.

So so so tired. Yet can't make myself go to sleep. Even tried napping today, but apparently I can only fall asleep if I don't mean to, and not if I'm trying to.

Just finished reading Fight Club.  I wish I'd read the book before I saw the movie. So awesome.

Can't stop eating this week. Still on plan, but hanging on by a thread. Lucky I earn so many activity Points!

Still running, training, and doing Tai Chi. I'm beginning to feel like an athlete. I'm still fat, but I'm up and running at the track at 5 a.m. for Pete's sake. I say that counts for something. Still considering doing a 1/2 marathon (mostly walking, of course) in November even though pretty much everyone involved thinks it's kind of a suicide mission... too much too quick. Haven't signed up yet.

Abby turns two on Sunday. How did that happen? I just bought a Dora comforter and sheets off my housekeeper's sister, the same one Abby cried for at K-mart the other day. I'm debating if I should give it to her for her birthday because she's not in a big girl bed yet and probably won't be for another 6 months. Should she get it now to play with the blanket or do I save it for when she gets her big girl bed or for Christmas?

Too tired to make decisions. Rambling...
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