drinkin' iced tea & making rice for dinner...

May 06, 2013 18:21

today i pretty much just hung out with mom, who stayed home sick from work...she has been having horrible allergies, or perhaps it's a cold...but we think it's allergies. we played with the dogs, and hung out in the sunshine in the backyard...

i tried to work out on the treadmill & do my usual thirty minutes of a fast paced walk (and sometimes try to run for a minute or two)...but the treadmill started acting up & i think the belt needs to be tightened, if it even can be. it was slipping forward & jerking when i tried to use it. sooo...seven minutes into my workout, i stopped & told my mother about the problem. she suggested i run down the street, up the next street & back...so i did it. i kind of hate running outside, but it's better than not getting my workout in & it's a beautiful day. i opened up this app that can track my miles, pace, calories burned, depending on the activity you select...and i put on some music & went off...i definitely couldn't run the whole time, but i did it in bursts...walking in between. the app said i had burned 175 calories in 16 minutes and my pace was like 4.8 miles per hour, or something like that...also, i think my average pace was 14 minute mile...hahaha. not so great, but i could get better...i guess i will have to get better at running outside, if the treadmill is broken...either that, or i do a LOT more youtube workout videos, or get a gym membership...which i can't really afford at this very moment.

if i get the job in the salon i interviewed for, then i can afford it...i am supposed to hear from the owner sometime early this week. hopefully i hear from her tomorrow, because today is monday & i haven't heard from her yet. i had to go to the regular interview last tuesday & then i had to do a model's cut & colour on friday...i chose my mother & i think it went well. my mom liked my hair, and i didn't take forever doing it. i wasn't fast, but it wasn't forever. also, the colour came out perfectly. i am confident in my hair colouring, and less confident in my cutting...but i am getting there. the haircut really does look good...so i just need to keep practicing.

i just did brenda's hair on saturday & it looks totally awesome. we did foils of a dark plum, a bright red, and lightener...and then when we rinsed it all out, the red hit the lightened parts & turned them pink! it ended up looking SO good, she loved it! if we had been in a regular salon sink, i think i could have kept the blonde...but it was hard rinsing her head over the side of her huge tub! anyway, we both didn't care that the blonde was pinkified. she loved her hair...and that's what matters. it did look awesome...now i'm kind of jealous that i have boring, not so great, blonde hair. i need some bright highlights and a nice streak of pink or something. i had some green in my hair not too long ago, but it wasn't as fresh as the hair i am seeking. it is almost summertime & i need some fresh, bright hair!

we're having pomegranate chipotle pork chops tonight...the sauce also has mango in it, i'm pretty pumped...i think it will taste good with the white rice. dad is grilling the pork chops outside right now...i'm starving.

i really think that people should start using livejournal again...it's really great, and although i am completely obsessed with tumblr, that is more for pictures...or videos, or whatever...but nobody seems to just WRITE. i think there should be a way to link livejournal & tumblr and it will create more lj users...and it will give tumblr users a little outlet to write in :)

i made some reservations for a mother's day brunch in brunswick for the three of us...dad asked me to, and we couldn't find information about the one he wanted, so we decided to go to this place we've been wanting to try...it's going to be delicious.

i have to dogsit for a friend on thursday, friday, saturday & half of sunday...that should be kind of fun! i hope they have leashes, i don't want to take them out without leashes...there are three of them, and i will FREAK OUT if i lose any of them. seriously, i know how important one's dog(s) is(are), so i would pretty much die if anything happened to these dogs in my care. soooo yeah...

okay, i'm going to go...i hope you enjoyed this entry of me talking about random shit. i am trying to keep my livejournal alive :) i mean, why not? it's already collected so much of my past...over ten years...WOW.

grill, hair colour, rice, foils, running, red, hair color, workout, mother's day, white rice, salon, hair, lj, pork, summertime, highlights, tumblr, fit, maine, livejournal, tea, brunswick, pork chops, plum, brunch, grilling, exercise, cosmetology, bleach, fitness, iced tea, allergies, dogsit, hair stylist, lightener

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