Last weekend my brother and I went up to Nevada to visit our Oma and Opa. We went up there with the thought that the weather would be decent. On Friday it was perfect...on 88 there was a wall of snow it was awesome. I have NEVER seen snow that deep. Then the problem started when we tried to come back Sunday morning. We got 15 minutes up 88 and there was so much snow on the ground and it was so windy that it was blowing all the fresh snow around making white out conditions. Saw one guy crash and then one guy almost slide off the mountain and they had chains and were going like 30 mph. So we decided to turn around and drive 80 through Donner Pass. It was snowing like crazy!!! It took us 7 hours to get home on something that should take 3. I felt sorry for my brother =/ Anyways it was fun spending some time with my Oma and Opa. It was the first time that I have seen my Opa since his heart attack. He looks ok and acts ok but I know hes not. Hes going into surgery next week to have work done on his heart. I wish I could be there because I am going to be worrying so much here that I am not going to do any good. But my Tante Mame is going to be up there so thats a good thing. So yeah got some pictures of the
these are pictures that were taken on the back porch of my Oma and Opas house :)
This is what the mountains looked like on was calm and sunny
Then on Sunday it turned to this....evil
We continued to drive up 88 and there was so much fresh snow
Turned around and drove up 80 and here is what it looked like there
Look its snowing!!!