Dec 31, 2008 22:15
*i will finish everything i start.
everything happens for a reason- don't fight anything or try to change what has happened, that's how it was meant to be.
*i will be confident in my own skin.
in order for the good, the bad has to come first.
*i will stop blowing people off, and start telling the truth when i do.
Always have an opinion....but don't always use it
*i will never settle for alright; i will get what i want, and i will get it the right way.
keep an open mind; there is no right or wrong answer to anything.
*i will resolve to stop torturing myself on words and people who don't matter
don't blame everyone else for the bullshit; everyone chooses their fate by decisions made in the past.
*i will stop stealing, from people and from stores.
.:*walk away from the people and situations in your life that you know are bad for you.*:.
*i will support myself easily.
every person is special; a part of god, no matter how much you hate them or how evil they seem at times... so love everyone... because positive feelings = positive consequences.
always go by your gut feeling; everyone has intuition for a reason.
*i will never look back; but remember the good times the smiles and laughter and the memories that formed the base of the present.
what you say and what you do and who you see and who fucks you
- does not matter anymore. you can't & WILL NOT bring me down from this point on ever again.
*i will live my life for me.