Jun 10, 2005 15:01

From Plahblo!

What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list (at least 5 things), post it to your journal... and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

1. Getting the work done that's causing the stress.

Uh that's pretty much it. I guess I could list some things that belay the stress, by making me forget about it and NOT do the work, but that really just makes it worse. Still!

2. Watching videos, eating junk. Works best with wife.
3. Walks in a beach or a treeish park. Wife rider applies.
4. Getting up early and having a shower and breakfast with the lights off (as much as possible). It's very peaceful.
5. A jigsaw puzzle!

I'm not tagging anyone :(

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