On the Road Again

Mar 28, 2007 18:53

"Aaaaalright," Wendy pauses as the Trans Am rolls to complete stop. They've come a long way since their last stop in Colorado. It won't be long before the pair stop for the night. He's just too tired to go on through the night again. And they both know how easy it is to get lost when you're avoiding all major interstates.

The rustle of a well worn roadmap fills the car as the foldable representation of the United States is spread out before the man. A thick red line wiggles its way across half of the map, leaning down toward the Gulf of Mexico. "Weeee aaaare here." He puts a finger to the tiny spot that is supposed to be Pomona, Missouri along highway 63. Tiny Nova leans closer to inspect the tiny symbols and numbers on the map she knows she can't read. The same red marker she's been using to color in the coloring book uncaps and her tiny hand helps to add their distance from Oklahoma.

"We probably need to gooo...here," the finger moves up the orange line to the neat red interstate line. Yeah, talking about it doesn't do him a handful of good, being as the girl doesn't understand a thing he says, but he's positive she'll get the gist of what he's on about as long as he uses the right emphisis. "Then, it's a clean shot to Ohio." And finally, that finger taps the little chunk of land known as Ohio on the map.

Easy peasy, right? Lord knows they've been driving for a few days now, wiggling between borders and cities on old highways to get around the car jammed mess of the more populated areas.

"Sim," she nods. It's exactly what he needs to continue. It was pretty easy to slip into the habit of only going forward when the little girl said she was able to go with him. So, that's exactly what he does. The car rumbles back into power and carries on down the barren Missouri highway.

whereswendel, rp, daughterofmidas, out of town

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