There's a doctor-lady! Sara's moving crap with a little hand-trolley from the ambulance to the VFW. There aren't many medical supplies in the Clinic, but what they have, Sara's tried to bring. Mostly for safekeeping, at least she hopes.
Yay!! Sara beams. She is very happy to see Bowman! Mostly because taking lots of trips in a storm is not fun for doctorladies.
"That would make my day, actually. I need a hand getting some of these kits and blankets out of the back, there." Because there IS a lot of crap back there. Ambulance=moving van, apparently.
"Can do and will do." He grabs some of the blankets and kits, letting her lead the way back inside. He is kind of piled down here. "So. Nice weather they've got here." Oh, a joke.
Sara's got a defibrillator! Because she doesn't really leave home without one, and they might need it. They might need a LOT of things, and Sara's not taking any chances with a storm this dangerous.
"No kidding. I'm hoping it's not going to get too bad, but you never really know around this part of the country." She's opening doors for the Doctor. Aww. Reverse-chivalry?
"Ah, farther up north, I think, they get tornadoes. We should be safer here, but... I don't like the look of that storm."
Sara's trying to stay positive, really! She's used to bad weather, living in Chicago, but this is pretty worrying. Her mouth presses in a thin line and she puts her defibrillator next to the pile of medical supplies she's brought in.
"I think that's all..." Sara dusts off her hands. "I hope we won't need to use any of this stuff."
He does not look too worried. Perhaps they get bad weather in London. Or...something. "Better safe than sorry. Between you and Martha, we should have enough doctors and medical supplies."
"That's good." Ahahaha. You sure about that, Sara? "I'm glad she made it, we could use all the medical professionals we can get, as far as I'm concerned."
Resist the urge to check if your pants are on fire, please, Dr. Sara.
"Normally I'd say K-9 is largely inedible, but that cat... I'm not placing any bets." And a smooth subject change from the Doctor! Nice move. "I'd be more worried about my house, with that cat having the run of it."
Sara would like to think they won't be needed.
"That would make my day, actually. I need a hand getting some of these kits and blankets out of the back, there." Because there IS a lot of crap back there. Ambulance=moving van, apparently.
"No kidding. I'm hoping it's not going to get too bad, but you never really know around this part of the country." She's opening doors for the Doctor. Aww. Reverse-chivalry?
He flashes her a grin in thanks! "Do they get tornadoes in this part of the country? Or is it hurricanes?"
Sara's trying to stay positive, really! She's used to bad weather, living in Chicago, but this is pretty worrying. Her mouth presses in a thin line and she puts her defibrillator next to the pile of medical supplies she's brought in.
"I think that's all..." Sara dusts off her hands. "I hope we won't need to use any of this stuff."
Resist the urge to check if your pants are on fire, please, Dr. Sara.
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