There's something in the library that shouldn't be there -- something wrong, something that wasn't there before. She doesn't know what it is, yet, but she knows that she feels--different. She can feel something. She's got a headache she can't get rid of, and that almost never happens. There's always a reason for it...usually a
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He's having a good day.
It used to be really hard to get Nica to show that kind of agitation. In some ways it still is -- but it's there now.
"There's a book in the library that wasn't there before."
...St. John, Nica is going to turn you into a woman. And not even a pretty one! A fat one, with warts!
"Please don't hit me." Right, he's not stupid. Not really. "Siddown, I'll give you a cigarette." He tugs the hem of her yoga pants, which is a clear indication that she should come down here, pls.
Now, Nica, you tell your big strong tiny little man all about the book. Perhaps he'll go in and glower at it, because mysteriously? It won't burn. Isn't that interesting!
"Make it go away." >:/
He's not being a smartass now, swear! He just uh, didn't like Dickens when he had to read it in school. >__>
There's an undercurrent of fear in the matter of fact sentence. One of the things that terrifies Nica the most -- if not the thing -- is lack of control over her body. Fair enough, considering her gift.
"The book made it worse. The nearer I got -- when I picked it up, it was worse. We should get rid of it, dude."
St. John likes to have a plan, always have one or two or 12 of them in place, and this is no different - he believes her, and as she really is not interested in going to traipse after a book that apparently has some kind of ouchiful properties. "We can get rid of it. Should see what we can do with it first, though." Something that could make Nica's head hurt has power. And St. John is always looking for more of that.
"Do with it?"
He's only being slightly manipulative with the temple rubbing, honest, part of it is that he really just likes touching her, and part of it is that teeeeeeny tiny part of him that likes making her feel better, because he can do that. It's sort of a nice change from, you know, affecting people by being an absolute fuckwad. Although he'll always do that, at least part of him. St. John will still be a teenager when he's 50.
"Besides, this place is too fucking weird for books to be showin' up with no reason." Obviously he will investigate this, for He is a Man. But first, he will do this temple-rubbing thing, while smoking sloppily out of the corner of his mouth. This takes talent.
"I guess." She closes her eyes and breathes in smoke. "Guess it's better to know what the reason is."
Those are frequently simultaneous, for the repeatedly stated record. St John stubs out his cigarette and musses her hair a little, for extra Possibly Getting Hit points. "Where'd you leave it?"
What the fuck is it doing there? Well. She kind of hurled it a little when she was dropping it.
Like a knight in...something. Perhaps armour made of flattened cigarette cartons.
A lot.
"I'll wait." Which he does, hovering like a tiny...bird of prey...? No, like a tiny Australian boy with messy hair and a sunburn, but one who is BY GOD going to see what's going on with the spooky spooky book.
WHAT. It's a valid...observation. Yes. And totally unrelated to the matter at hand, but that really just makes it better for her. She'd rather not think about the matter at hand. The matter at hand is giving her a horrible headache.
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