Cells + VET's Day

Nov 11, 2008 07:39

Okay, it’s been a week or three since my last post, so bear with me here.

Today is Veteran’s day, which is great, I have a lot of family, and friends that I need to call up, and appreciate for their hard work, serving our country. We plan on stopping by the Vet’s charity dinner, to buy some barbeque plates, something to help them out.

On a much lighter note, Kevin, and I plan on getting newer, better phones. I’m still choosing, but I undeniably want one with a QWETRY board, a camera, and a big screen. I was looking at the Samsung Propel, and was pretty close to deciding on it…but, then I saw the ATT QUICKFIRE, and now I’m stuck choosing either one.


GAH!!! Oh well, I’ll figure it out eventually…we’ll be picking up the phones in December, which means it doubles as an X-mas present. Though…I am still hoping I get Persona 4...or Ghost Recon: Advanced War Fighter 1 + 2. Eh, doesn’t matter, ‘cause my phone is going to cost like, $250, so I can’t complain. This X-mas is going to be a small one, we even picked up a small tree. TEHEH!

Okay, enough of my rambling. ‘Till my next post!

cell phones, christmas, veterans day, presents

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