30 Days Anime Meme - Day 02

Nov 06, 2010 20:18

Day 2 - Favorite anime you’ve watched so far

Gaa Again with the having to choose only one. Really this might not happen because there’s some top runners. Top 4 maybe?! *looks hopeful* Top two?! *sighs* ok if I really have to choose then you leave me no option but to choose…


Tv not movie. Though I did enjoy the movie after I got a proper subbed version rather than all that Barm-sama and Florken-sama’ing XD But Escaflowne was the first Anime I seriously used to watch obsessively. It was on Foxkids back in the day. Got it a bit backwards and started watching from city of intrigue. I first saw it at Caroline’s when she lived in Peterlee - was flicking channels looking for my next tv fix. It had everything. Was hooked instantly. If anyone has ever not seen it you really should. Yes the noses do get some time getting used to but it’s such a fab series with some of the best characters and a fab soundtrack! Just wish the animation had been more consistent. Of course that might have been something to do with them having like 3 different groups working on it separately. God this series has a seriously huge place in my heart. Think it gave me my very first OTP too!

anime, meme

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