(no subject)

Nov 28, 2007 21:08

I have to say that nothing infuriates me more then asshole parents who claim that having their daughters vaccinated against cervical cancer translates into a gigantic green light for them to be a slut.  Get over yourselves.

News flash:
If you raise your child constantly drilling religious drivel into their head saying nonono to EVERYTHING, chances are they are going to go and do the opposite of what you are saying anyways and just not tell you out of fear and rebellion.
That being said, wouldn't it be better to have the piece of mind that your child could, I don't know, have SOME kind of protection against a form of cancer?

Be a responsible parent and just consider your child's future already.
If you're so concerned about protecting them from the evils of the world, how about you recognize that human beings are not perfect
And I am speaking from the standpoint of someone who was a direct "accidental" product of an over zealous religious upbringing, never had vaccinations until they started college, refuses to get flu shots and believes strongly in the power of alternative healing... amongst a few other things.
I recognize that this has it's place and could possibly save someone's life.
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