Title: Reasons 3: Incandescence
Length: Oneshot
hell_angel_v2 Rating: G
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Summary: 3rd installment to a series of oneshots on YunHo’s thoughts about his love for JaeJoong. YunHo holds JaeJoong’s hands, and suddenly he wants to skip dinner.
Comments: Fluff!! Writing happy!fic because
toffee_meadows made me read broken!YunJae. I don’t like broken!YunJae. T_T Unbeta-ed because
moon1084 is watching My Father and I don’t wanna disturb her. XD
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Reasons 3: Incandescence
There is none of the usual bustle that often crowds the streets of Seoul. I find that the streets are empty, only the occasional stray dog or cat passing me in search of a warm escape. The cold is too bitter to be outside. But not too bitter to stop me from picking my JaeJoong up from work and having our usual weekend dinner night-out. And I like this, because there is nothing to block my way towards my destination. The faster for me to get to my waiting JaeJoong.
I soon arrive at the building, the sheet of glass that made for automatic doors swinging open before my now frozen arms could wave at him from where he is seated in the lobby. He has seen me coming down the street and moments later he stands there, layers of clothing hidden beneath a bulky parka, and before I know it I have an armful of Flailing JaeJoong.
He fits into my arms with practiced (instinctive) ease, the piles of fabric ineffectively coming between us. I find that I like it, too, and I hug him back.
I also like the way his smile lights up his face (the dim building, the dark street, the whole world). For a moment there is no such thing as hunger, famine, disease-as he beams up at me with the lights dancing in his eyes all that exists is my JaeJoong.
JaeJoong has restless hands. He always has to be doing some sort of activity, some random thing or else held between the flat of his palm and fingers. And as we walk down the paved sidewalk, towards our usual dinner place, his hand searches for mine like I knew it would. I reach out to make the task easier for my JaeJoong and our fingers curl together like magnet that just met iron.
I like it when JaeJoong holds my hand, and boy, does he know it. He pockets them, joined-together and all, and he squeezes tighter still.
I have held hands with him before, knew every curve and line in it like I knew my own, have even done things with those hands that were infinitely more intimate (a spark of electricity shocks him at the thought) but the warm jolt that travel from our entwined hands up into my arms and taking refuge in the deepest recesses of my soul still surprises me. Tonight it is minus 30, but my hand feels like it is bathed with a dewy stream of sunlight.
The contact isn’t foreign, isn’t anything new. But I find that I revel in it like an infant guzzling his first taste of milk. I crave it and I huddle closer, seeking that warmth I know no one else can provide.
I bump his shoulder as I do so and he looks up at me with his lower lip caught between his teeth in mid-chew and his eyes rounded in innocent curiosity.
“YunHo-yah? What’s the matter?”
If there is anything that I didn’t like, it was the painful way that my spit went down my throat as I gulped.
“Jae, what do you say we skip dinner and go straight home?”
*gets bricked for writing this instead of working on BFMV* XD
Comments? Thoughts? Maybe even prompts? XD