
Nov 15, 2007 14:03

I am thinking of buying an ipod - which one should I get? useful experiences/recommendations/thoughts? I have not had one before so this is all new; cheaper obviously better but I'm not particularly stingy about it, and happy to pay more if it's worth doing so.

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thegeneralx November 20 2007, 05:32:18 UTC
I'd suggest foregoing the ipod altogether and getting a different brand of MP3 player if you are not a mac user. I really like my Creative Zen. Creative doesn't have the marketing geniuses like Apple, but it's products are a lot better than their presentation would suggest and DEFINATELY more solid than an ipod. Ipods are overrated and over-priced.

It really depends on what you want to use it for. If you just want a little player for the gym, Creative has a 1 GB MuVo for $50. I had one when they still called them Nano, like the ipod, but someone stole it. They're seriously tiny and you can drag and drop your song files onto it from your "My Computer", though it comes with software. It also runs FOREVER on one AAA battery.

I have a Creative Zen Sleek Photo 20GB that I got from amazon for about $150 (they're even cheaper now). It is the width of a slice of wonderbread (which is HUGE compared to an ipod, I know) and is a lot heavier, but it works great, is extremely tough and has great sound quality. You really can't beat that price. The battery life is decent too.

My sister's ipod has broken so many times and yet, my Creative lives on.

And now... I need to get back to writing the paper that counts for 20% of my grade.


helixaspersa November 23 2007, 10:12:31 UTC
Thanks for your input - I did go for an ipod in the end, but then I have a MacBook in any case so it seemed to make sense.


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