Back to school again...

Sep 24, 2009 16:51

Ok, so its technically uni, but you can't sing that quite as well, shall we try...'back to uniiii agaaaiiinn'. See, I told you, it doesn't work. Yep, uni is about to start again, I need to do my module registration and I'm hoping that my change of study prgramme has gone through, but I never did get a letter. Oh, yeah I'm just doing maths now, and the great thing is I get to pick a lot of the modules I wanna do, so I can still take a lot of the physics-y modules I want, but next year I can take modules like 'Cryptology'  (Am definately taking that!). Yet, I already have a clash, so I've gotta discuss it with my advisor, a new one at that...Dr Sutherland...I wonder if he'll know who I am as soon as I walk through the door like Prof. MacCallum did??

I also need to renew my passport, its been out of date for months and I hadn't realised until I needed it for when I started work (yep, I work now, more abou that later). What if I had wanted to go somehwere??? oh, how would I have cried! Well, I filled in the form, but have been putting off going to get my picture taken O_o. Tomorrow! Its on the agenda for tomorrow!
So, yeah, wok. Its only Argos, and quite mind numbingly boring work at that, but hey, Its work. And, my colleagues are really quite nce.

I'm sure there's much more happenings, especially since its been so long. Its probably been so long that i no longer remember what I did the entire Summer. Oh, but TV is BACK! All shows (that have been renewed for the season) have been starting and I've been preoccupied with that. Lets make a list (lists are fun...and also apparently what vectors are...hehe, I remembered something form physics, well wont help me now), there's Supernatural-Awesome, Psych-Awesome, How I met Your Mother-Awesome ^_^, House-Mega Awesome, NCIS-Giga Awesome (like really really awesome, I just watched the 1st ep yesterday and the entire thing was brilliant!) One tree Hill-little awesome, and I'm starting to watch The mentalist, which I happen to think got it...awesome! I may have overused the word. A few shows that I want to watch but aren't back yet are, Chuck and Being Human, they're making us ait so long!

I guess I'll be getting back to my hectic life of early starts (I'll miss my 12pm wake ups),and annoying timetable.
Peace out!
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