Jun 09, 2005 12:11
well yesterday was pretty cool me and victor skated for a long time at the park from 4 to like 10 6 hours and it was fun...well me and victor havent showd up to summer school we were suppose to go today but that fucker is still asleep so im pretty much fucked for next year. well today i woke up at 8 then 9 so after that i went to my moms room to use the computer and my maid was telling me turn it off so she can clean the room and she told me to use one my sisters computers. i said no because they dont let me in their rooms any more so she started bitching at at me and i was like this bitch who the fuck does she think she is so i stayed quiet and i turned it off..so i go to my sister norma's computer and she walks in and tells me that im a lair that i ddint give my dog water and i was i did and she started bitching again but this time i snapped i told her off and i punched my refrigerator and now it has a dent and my hand hurts..she shouldnt of said shit i wanted to punch her but she was like 5 feet away so i just rather punch the refrigerator