I was going to have a special requests post once I reached 50 watchers, but hell, I figured that 48 was as good as any (I love you all ♥ and nevermind that I'm pretty sure that at least 2 of those watchers are myself... shh).
LJ interest meme
o1. Comment with you user name (i.e.
helium_icons), and I'll pick one of your LJ interests and make you an icon.
o2. You have absolutely no say in what I make.
o3. All icons will be shareable. (I will, however, make you a variation with your username on it, if you wish.)
o4. You can pick between having a normal icon or an animated icon. (The animated one probably won't be "omg amazing", though, because this week's AP week XD;;)
o5. If you do partake in it, please put this in your LJ so I can do the same to you. Repost only if you want to.
Fire away!
♥ hl