Oct 24, 2005 20:24
I'm a little beyond upset that for that second semester in a row, NMU is offering shitty 200 level history classes. Um, let's see:
Native American History- I don't think so.
Gay and Lesbian History- With Chet DeFonso, no surprise there. I really don't need the whole 411 on who was gay in history. Kendall already told me all that : )
American Working Class-Not everyone is in love with America and wants or needs to take every history course on America.
Finally we have:
The Atlantic World to 1830-Probably will encompass the slave trade, period.
I would even opt for the American Woman or The Indigenous People of Latin America over these options. The real question here is where is Europe? Clearly NMU hates most of Europe, save Scandinavia, which is offered as a 300 level (with the Potato Lubotina).