Jun 13, 2006 16:00
Today I went with the other internship students to explore the bus system and downtown Minneapolis. It was an interesting expereience. We ended up walking quite a bit and were able to explore the library, riverside, and the Minneapolis Center for Book Arts. The MCBA was especially exciting as it was primarily a place to learn the art of book binding. I had begun reading a book this spring semester about a book binder at the University of Iowa and today found it fascinating to see an actual binding "studio". I must also mention that the bus and lightrail system seem to be very efficient, adding to this experience. However, I have not yet been able to track down a sufficient liqour store that sells decent to premium beer...or really any beer at all.
Quote of the day: "Now I remember why I used to drink bourbon all the time; living in St. Paul I hated the water."