7 Men Samurai Christmas Message + Video Masterpost

Dec 05, 2020 10:00

Just trying to compile some stuff for my beloved chibi group, 7 Men Samurai.
Since I got into them early this year, I wasn't able to gather much stuff from last year.
For now let's enjoy their Christmas messages.
I had fun comparing and evaluating their messages from last year to this year.
Their different personalities are showing.
Hopefully I can do this every year :)

๐Ÿ’› Nakamura Reia
๐Ÿ’š Motodaka Katsuki
๐Ÿ’— Konno Taiki
โค๏ธ Sugeta Rinne
๐Ÿ’œ Sasaki Taiko
๐Ÿค Yabana Rei
Christmas message
โœฆ 2019 โœฆ
[Have yourself a merry little Christmas...]

[Reia's handwriting is very neat. The cuteness comes through even with a simple black ink uwu ]


[Gosh, where do I start with this one haha the alternating combination between his name and and Merry Christmas
in katakana is just wild? He gave this some thought. Also appreciate the nice balance and that
Reindeer Santa & Santa Reindeer like Christmas ying and yang lol. ]


[ This is very Konpi isn't it? Simple and cool. ]


[ This hybrid Santa-Deer is sooo cute. Just like Rinne ^____^ ]


[ I'm surprised that Taiko's is so... normal? lmao ]


[ Serving some Nightmare Before Christmas realness ๐Ÿ˜‚
Bana's Christmas message ties in with his New Year's message.
So, if you wanna know the 'After' face, you gotta see his New Year's message too. ]

โœฆ 2020 โœฆ[Jingle Bell Rock]

[ The way I'm both terrified and amazed with this drawing. That just shows how great of an artist he is.
I swear if you look at this too long, it feels like it starts moving or something. Well, congrats Reia!
You creeped us all out this Christmas XD ]


[ Brilliant use of **stickers! Daka-san still pushing the tuna agenda even on Christmas lol.
But idk if I wanna have Christmas Tuna Party tho ๐Ÿฅด ]


[ Again, simple this year too. Konno Taiki is just a very cool guy who won't do unnecessary stuff.
But in a way you can also feel a barrier? Maybe you'll give your heart next year Konpi? ๐Ÿคช *BGM: Last Christmas* ]


[ Santa-Deer hybrid 2.0. It's unintentionally quite deep. Santa had it tough this year too y'all.
He (It?) lost so much weight and he doesn't even smile. I enjoy this continuation from Rinne haha ]


[ This is the kind of Taiko message I would expect lol. I don't really get it, but it looks interesting at least ๐Ÿ˜… ]


[ Honestly, this reminds me of Juri's drawings. Both of them like that kind of ugly/artsy caricature.
My biases smh :') MeriKuri too Bana-san~โœจ ]

Additional Note:

**Apparently this year is the first time they got to use stickers for this message thing so, some of 'em were noticably very excited :D
Apparently there's even a ranking for no. of stickers used haha

Johnny's Christmas Message
No of sticker used Ranking
(what kind of ranking is this?๐Ÿคฃ)

๐Ÿฅ‡Kato Shigeaki (NEWS) 24 pcs
๐ŸฅˆInoo Kei (Hey! Say! JUMP) 19 pcs ๐Ÿ’™
๐Ÿฅ‰Murakami Shingo (Kanjani 8) 15 pcs
โ‘ฃ Watanabe Shota (Snow Man) 11 pcs
โ‘ค Hirano Sho (King & Prince) 10pcs
- โค๏ธilla๐Ÿงก (@crystiliastudio) December 2, 2020

Christmas video
โœฆ 2020 โœฆ
[Christmas Tamaire Battle~]The Jrs had a tamaire battle (a kind of ball-toss game) for their Christmas video.
I love it sm lol I was oddly invested in the whole thing.
I thought 7 Men were already chaotic, but other groups are much more so XDD

Like honestly, at one point in A ใˆ! Group when Sano started manhandling Seiya I completely lost it lmao.
Ritokan... just why?? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Kanjuus are the best and this is why I will always have a soft spot for them.
But also, watch for the AMAZING brains of Traja and Hihi Jets.
There's a reason why you have to respect your senpais!

I need them to do this kind of intra-johnny's competition again.
OH WAIT, we had one. This thing called Johnny's Sports Day (man, that was so good!) Why did they stop doing that again??
I like seeing them all active like this. I mean, they do this kind of stuff on youtube too but boo-hoo no kanjuus so what's the point.

Anyways, I'll only be sharing 7 Men Samurai's part only.
But if you do want for other Jr groups, do pm me and we can talk :)

โš ๏ธ Disclaimer
โ— Watch out for Bana in that fluffy white sweater. He looks so damn huggable, it's bad for your heart I swear.
โ— Konpi is in good mood here. We are in for a good ride :D
โ— The amount of shenanigans in this video is bound to put a smile on your face.

MEGA | [KEY]ppJzMdHRgAZF7gOtYvMgtw

As the videos are sensitive *fc* content I have to strictly remind that under no circumstances should you re-upload and/or stream the content online. That includes on YouTube, Twitter, TikTok etc. For your personal fangirl viewing only. Please do not share this link around. I just want to make 7 Men's content a little more accessible for everyone. But please respect and adhere to the unspoken rules in the fandom. If you have any question, do not hesitate to reach out to me. I will do my best to help :)

Please drop a like or comment if taking any of these. It's a way for me to keep track and they are very much appreciated โœจ

7 men samurai, :video, download, johnny's jr., !masterpost

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