Since we're going back to the dark ages...

Aug 01, 2020 11:46

In case you didn't know, YouTube has decided to discontinue the Community Contribution feature that allows viewers to submit closed caption and subtitles which will take effect beginning September 28th, 2020. That means "F*CK YOU" to a lot of fandoms including us, the Johnny's fandom.

No more fansub on Johnny's Jr channel.
Or SixTONES. Snow Man.
No more cute quips in the subtitle.
We're probably getting standard subs from now on (IF Johnny's is smart enough to get a subtitling service. Get on it Tackey!) or none at all if Johnny's decided to be cheap *sigh*

That's right folks, this also means that we might go back to congregating here in LJ.
Not that I hate it.
It's just hard here.
So, I'm gonna be cleaning up my journal a bit.
Not that I use it much in the past lol BUT perhaps it's time for some change.

I am a translator irl and I could rant so much about YouTube's money-whoring ways (and how it affects the translation industry and all that) but it just doesn't go with my brand here. I'm disappointed with what that platform has turned into. Periodt. There's no sense of community anymore, just capitalism at its finest.

ramble your way

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