Only I can live. . . FOREVER!

Jul 16, 2011 06:46

I just watched Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows Part 2 last night.
The movie was great but my viewing experience was not so.
Ugh. . . Talk about courtesy right there.
I was in tears starting from when the Hogwarts battle started.
It's definitely a movie you have to watch in the theaters.
I don't think it's as much fun watching at home or w/e.


I was supposed to continue this post but my memory
seem to fail me.
This post was so.long.ago !
I intend to ramble about those people at the cinemas.
Too cut it short, google Cinema Etiquette 101 before you go.
Just please spare us all the misery and anguish kay. . .
Anyway, let's just leave it at that yeah? =P


wtf, harry potter, one fine day, ramble your way

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