
Jun 17, 2011 19:01

 It's true what people say about pain.
You won't know it until it hit you right in the ass.
What happened to me a few days back wasn't tragic.
It's just plain old sad.
I guess you all know bout Sleepy rite?
Yeah, I think I've mentioned her name the most here.
Well, if you're not stupid you can guess that she's
my best friend.

Anyway, I dunno la what I did wrong but apparently
I did though...
She was like in this moody state or w/e.
She won't talk or look at me.
And you know what... I feel like she's disgusted when
she looks at me. That's how she made me feel
those past few days.

Arrrghhh...The whole situation is so fucked up.
I don't even know where to begin.
I just looked at her blog and I can take a hint when 
I saw one. Apparently, "I'm different."
I'm different.
That is just really something you wanna hear from
someone called your best friend.


- Do you know on the night before the Grammar paper I was bawling my eyes out for you?
Of course you don't cause I heard you laughing and you know what...
I pains me when I heard that.
I've never cried so much that it hurts my head.
Now I know real pain does that.

- Do you know that I wanted to talk to you about so many things?
About Virus... and whatever. I miss those days when we can just
talk about stuff. I guess now it's different.

- Tell me something, how can you ever bring yourself to ignore me?
Really? The cold shoulder? What the heck did I even do?
You know what Sleepy,even if I am mad at you...
I would NEVER ever THINK of doing that to you.
Seeing you in your ways really hurt me.
It does and I won't lie.
I was shocked you would even go to that measure.
I would never do that to you even if I am viciously angry.
No.Never will I.
But, you did...

- Wow, I still really can't get over what you did.
Damn, that hurts so bad you won't even...
I hate that we're not talking that I cried for that.
But, you just ignored me with a flick of your look.
It looks so easy when you did it Sleepy.
Something I can't even bring myself to do that to you.

- Fine.So you're closer to Virus now.
You know what. I admit it. I am jealous.
Yeah. J-E-A-L-O-U-S.
But,as friends, I thought that Virus is in need of a
friend more than I am. I just let you guys be.
Well, I am actually pretty mad with Virus but,
now is not the time for that.
I dunno what she told you dude...
I know how she is. I expect a lot of exaggeration from her part.

- I dunno if you remember this (but, looking at the situation given
I guess you don't huh?) but I remember telling you that
if I ever cross the line while being friends with you,
I want you to tell me,remind me...something.
And that is why this whole thing sucks.
Looks like you can't trust me that much to even tell me
when something's wrong.
Damn...Silver bullet straight to the heart.
I have no words to express how hurt I was Sleepy.
Especially coming from you who caused it.

I'm not sure if things will ever be the same between us.
If we can't even survive this one...
I hate to think what's in store for us next.
Maybe aku je syok sorang2 fikirkan pasal ko.
I trust you must've given this a lot of thought too rite?
Just bout different things.

Damn btul la hal ni ble aku pikir balik.
Padahal bukan salah kte pun.

* Never would I throw this friendship when I think about
what we've been through.Just a thought though...

wtf, one fine day, ramble your way

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