(no subject)

Aug 01, 2007 12:50

    So, decently large news that I just haven't gotten around to posting.  I'm movin' up to Wedgewood this edit for stupidness month on the 11th of August.  Big two story house, three roommates, and I have the entire downstairs minus the garage to myself.  It's pretty swank.  Moving day's on the saturday after this one, who's down to help?  I'm bribing shamelessly with beer and pizza.

In addition, I'm getting a car from my folks at the end of August-ish.  It's a decently long story, but short version, my Dad's moving to Dubai, and while they were selling off stuff they didn't want to move or keep here, my stepmom pointed out I don't have a car when she was about to sell hers.  So, I'm getting a 2001 PT Cruiser, w/ sunroof, leather, etc.  It's rad, I've driven it before and it's in good condition.

Finally, Birthday Birthday Birthday!  This Friday (the 3rd), I'm turning 25.  The plan is I'd like my friends to come join me at a bar that evening.  Looking like either the Dubliner or The Triangle Lounge, both in Fremont.  The former is my regular haunt, the latter is less likely to be as slammed if we get there and stake out a spot earlier.  I'd like an interest count, so please reply here with interest, and I'll be posting final details tonight or tomorrow.  I'll probably want to get dinner first, so that'd be a good time for my under 21 friends to come celebrate with me. (Ross, that'd be a great time to bring Jamie, and Aleah to bring Yancy.)  Original plan was Ponti Seafood Grill, but my buddy Simon who's a chef there says it's slammed during my ideal time frame, so we're postponing that.  I'm thinking either somewhere in Fremont for dinner too, or eat in some place like the U district which isn't hard to travel to Fremont from afterwards.

So, yeah, RSVP, folks, I want to see you peoples.  Should be a fun time.  :)

moving, car, birthday

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