A Story

Jan 31, 2009 17:21

I am a member of a yahoogroups list serve called Hearthstone. I welcome all of my friends to join the list.  It is mostly quiet, but contains nuggets of gold for those who are patient.

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This morning, my friend Pat posted such a nugget of gold which she heard from Robbie Walsh, minister emeritus of First Parish UU, Duxbury, MA.  Here it is:

A fellow who organized some sort of work project in, I believe, the Australian bush country. Or maybe it was Polynesia or Africa. His native helpers worked so hard and well under his direction that the project was ahead of schedule. He rejoiced, thinking how much more they could all get accomplished now that this project was so well in hand, when to his surprise one morning, he found his crew all sitting quietly under a tree.

"Whatever is the matter?", he cried.

"Oh, sir, nothing is wrong", explained his foreman. "It's just that we have been working too hard, and our souls have gotten left behind. We will sit here until they catch up with us."

And that's what they did.

hearthstone, friends, wisdom story

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