I doubt that the men in power are as incompetent as the world imagines. For that reason I dismiss the apparent failures in Iraq as not the true goals of this war. After these errors are eliminated you are left with the truth behind the media smoke screens.
--A soldier in Iraq
http://www.traveling-soldier.org/1.05.money.php In a stroke of bad fortune for fledgling director Gregor Jordan, this caustic, black-humored anti-war satire, which the attendees of the 2001 Sundance Film Festival heralded as timely and brilliant, ended up languishing in pre-release purgatory when the social/political climate changed practically overnight after 9/11.
--Stacey Oziel
http://www.soundwavescinema.com/Cinema/2003/BuffaloSoldiers.htm The film involves two cretinous brothers, named Ulysses and Michelangelo for some reason, who live in a shack in a dump with their slatternly wives. One day two carabiniers arrive with a letter from the king: The brothers are cordially invited to attend the war. They are promised everything: They will be allowed to loot, plunder, deface, see the sights and in general have a smashing time. "Will we be able to slaughter the innocent?" asks Ulysses. "Of course," the carabinier snaps, "this is war." Delighted, the brothers enlist.
--Roger Ebert
http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19681029/REVIEWS/810290301/1023 Of George W. Bush, Miller said contemptuously, “He’s not a very good actor. He’s too obvious most of the time, he has no confidence in his own facade, so he’s constantly overemphasizing his sincerity.” Whatever the fate of his dramas, Miller’s reputation as an individual of genuine integrity rests secure.
--David Walsh
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2005/feb2005/mill-f21.shtml A couple of good books reviewed here:
http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml%3Fi=20050221&s=eviatar The American empire is the first empire not to be built on military strength--the United States loses all the wars it fights--or on economic strength--its staggering economy is entirely dependent on the continued goodwill of its lenders--but on advertising its identity as an empire in the media. Since it is only an empire because people believe it to be an empire, its fall from power will be as sudden as the world realizing what a pile of bullshit the American empire really is.
http://xymphora.blogspot.com/2005/02/decline-of-american-empire.html Hezbollah remains the only Arab force to have ever defeated Israel on the field of battle, and thus is an ongoing embarrassment to Israeli leadership, not to mention an obstacle to the theft of lands in southern Lebanon which the great land thief Israel still covets.
http://xymphora.blogspot.com/2005/02/two-theories-on-hariri.html [A] one-two JFK/LBJ assassination scenario to put Goldwater in the White House makes perfect sense.
http://xymphora.blogspot.com/2005/02/one-two-jfklbj-assassination-scenario.html I have speculated that at least some of the witnesses to the crash of Flight 77 into the Pentagon were ringers planted by the conspirators.
http://xymphora.blogspot.com/2005/02/bobby-eberle-eyewitness.html Despite a falling out a while ago, Chalabi is still the main neocon agent in Iraq, which explains how he is still hanging around despite having no real power base in the country. The plan is to arm the insurgency to assist in creating the civil war which will eventually force the creation of three mini-states in Iraq. Chalabi is working the political angles, and the newly-armed insurgency will work the military angles. All of this leads to the Likudnik goal of breaking Arab states up into small unthreatening statelets. The funny thing is that these Ba'athist insurgents will use many of these American-supplied weapons to kill American soldiers, but I guess the goals of Israel are worth a few more dead Americans.
http://xymphora.blogspot.com/2005/02/america-arms-deadenders.html Bobby Eberle's eyewitness testimony of Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon is the big break we've been waiting for, the first tiny window into the American conspiracy behind 9-11.