How many fingers do we still see?

Jun 12, 2010 06:38

Like Oceania, the US is virtually a one-party state. Its two big business parties are falsely presented as two “opposing” parties. In reality, they are little more than soft-rhetoric and hard-rhetoric factions of the one real party--the financial aristocracy--that has unchallenged sway over all matters of economic significance and resource deployment. The US variant of the one-party state is actually more dangerously Orwellian than Oceania’s variant, because it superficially appears to be something it’s manifestly not. Oceania, at least, was “honest” enough not to bother with the pretense of democracy.
--Richard Mynick

Nothing changes, so I don't want to keep repeating links to images of the world. But I will keep one this time.

I cancelled the Humbug Trail hike partly because of weird weather. Weather on the other side of the mountain should be fine, but the snow melted late which probably keeps the river too high at the moment. Foot problems also inexplicably creeped up suddenly so I'll rest it until next weekend.

I did see the Brüka production of the Great American Trailer Park Musical ( 1). That was kind of fun (notice the typo in that Facebook page). I should have seen the ending coming, in fact I think I did.

authorized image of reality, 1984, humbug creek hike

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