Went to a raw food potluck last night. I should have brought a notebook to keep track of food and recipes. I tried to put some notes on a small card but I can't read what I wrote. So it goes. I transferred most of my tomato plants into bigger pots and have started putting the mini-greenhouse to use during the day. I really need hiking season to begin!
Not much substantive news was expected to come out of the G-20 meetings that ended on April 2 in London--certainly no good news was even suggested. Europe, China and the United States had too deeply distinct interests. American diplomats wanted to lock foreign countries into further dependency on paper dollars. The rest of the world sought a way to avoid giving up real output and ownership of their resources and enterprises for yet more hot-potato dollars. In such cases one expects a parade of smiling faces and statements of mutual respect for each others’ position--so much respect that they have agreed to set up a “study group” or two to kick the diplomatic ball down the road.
Michael Hudson Ten years ago this month two students opened fire on their classmates and teachers at Columbine High School near Denver, Colorado, killing 13 and wounding 23 others, before committing suicide. The event, although it was hardly without precedent even then, horrified the nation. Newspaper editors and columnists, self-proclaimed experts on school violence, pundits of various types all weighed in, but their analyses offered little insight.
David Walsh Americans, including artists, take so many aspects of their current awful reality for granted. Isn’t it telling that desperate people earn a living out of cleaning up the disasters created by even more desperate people? The startling “growth” of this “industry"--dependent on murder, suicide, auto accidents and general mayhem--results, in the final analysis, from the “decay” of other “industry,” which is driving the increase in violence.
David Walsh The moral depravity of this stance is breathtaking. Invade a country for no reason, kill a million of its people, drive four million into exile, destroy its infrastructure, plunge it into civil war, abet its "ethnic cleansing," loot its wealth, put it in the hands of religious extremists, unleash disease, poverty and social breakdown: this is an "extraordinary achievement," says the progressive paladin. And now the Iraqis must "take responsibility" for the hell on earth created by their invaders.
Chris Floyd While millions of Americans voted for the Democratic candidate last November out of anger and disgust over the eight years of militarism under Bush, it is now clear that not only will the occupation of Iraq continue, but the war in Afghanistan will be escalated and extended deeper into Pakistan.
Bill Van Auken