"The change it had to come."

Nov 05, 2008 08:43

Failure to embed!

As has been stressed throughout this book, US society today is neither a tyranny nor a democracy; it is organized from top to bottom according to the principle of oligarchy or plutocracy. The characteristic way in which an oligarchy functions is by means of conspiracy, a mode which is necessary because of the polycentric distribution of power in an oligarchic system, and the resulting need to secure the cooperation and approval of several oligarchical centers in order to get things done. Furthermore, the operations of secret intelligence agencies tend to follow conspiratorial models; this is what a covert operation means--coordinated and preplanned actions by a number of agents and groups leading towards a pre-concerted result, with the nature of the operation remaining shielded from public view. So, in an oligarchical society characterized by the preponderant role of secret intelligence agencies--anyone who rules out conspiracies a priori runs the risk of not understanding very much of what is going on. One gathers that the phobia against alleged conspiracy theory in much of postmodern academia is actually a cover story for a distaste for political thinking itself.
--Webster Tarpley

With this post I have used the entry tag 2008 election 46 times. I trust this will be the last time. It's time to move on to the aftermath. I'd like to hope for the best, but reality must dictate a different outlook. Tarpley, of course, as I would expect a LaRouchean to do, recently seems to have lost his mind, but he does make a good point. The oligarchs, most of them, wanted Obama elected and they got what they wanted. I repeat my belief of why they wanted this outcome: they expect a black face in the White House to dazzle people long enough for the oligarchs to come out ahead one more time.

I'm guessing that the oligarchs, stupid as they are, are beginning to see that the assault on the bourgeois republic hasn't been such a good idea. Perhaps they aim to restore what they can of bourgeois life. That's just a guess. The next phase begins ...

The great American satirist George Schuyler's prescient and comic work, Black No More, is about a scientist named Dr. Crookmore who comes up with a formula that turns blacks to white (I wonder how Schuyler would treat the current profitable back-to-Africa DNA hokum). As a result of a country that is totally white, The Civil Rights organizations go out of business, and even the last hold out, the character, based upon the black nationalist Marcus Garvey, in the end, tries some of Dr. Crookmore's solution. Would something like this happen were Barack Obama to become president? A country where there exists no social divisions and the issue of race has become defused.
--Ishmael Reed

George W. Bush famously said, "They misunderestimated me." His ungrammatical statements induce sneers and snickers, but convey powerful truths. After stealing the 2000 election, violating international law, trampling on the Constitution, and emptying the treasury to profit his pirate friends, Bush will go down in history as one of the most successful presidents in history. Because of the constant collusion of the supine Democratic party, he has achieved nearly all of his goals in domestic and foreign policy. It is not surprising that the Bush doctrine credo, "I'm the decider," has gone unchecked at the eleventh hour
--Margaret Kimberley

It’s a capricious irony of history that the word bourgeois, which pinpoints the capitalist class, is perceived by nearly everyone, including the bourgeois themselves, as an epithet and is almost universally rebuffed!
--Gaither Stewart

It is a small irony that despite the vaunted individualism of Anglo-Saxon thought, there is no convenient singular form for "middle class(es)."
--Immanuel Wallerstein

bourgeoisie, 2008 election

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