Apr 07, 2002 20:05
Hiking! Finally! People are hungry. Carol cut it off at 30 people, and still got calls up to 6:30 Saturday morning. Twenty-two showed up. Independence Trail is of course open year-round, but only to people who can get there year-round. We have to wait to be sure about getting there and back over the summit. A pretty straightforward hike. The trailhead is off of Hwy 49 north of Nevada City. The trail is in two sections. A couple of miles east from the trailhead and another couple of miles west. Near the end of the east trail you can cut down to the S. Yuba River for nice lunch spot. Head upstream a bit toward what looks like nothing but rapids and you'll find a nice swimming hole. For us this is a jump on spring. It's nice to see green!
independence trail hike