Finally hooked up with the third hiking group on Sunday. I've been to Dry Pond with the second group from the other direction, from the trailhead at the end of Timberline Dr. But this one was done from the Whites Creek Trail part of the
Jones/Whites Loop. It was pretty nice. The foot held up well. Definitely not perfect, but better than last season. This group hikes on Sundays, so I don't think I'll be hooking up with them too often, but I'm glad I did this one. I needed the test. There is some confusion over the existence of a cutoff trail that might lead to and from a whole new Whites Creek Trail that doesn't require hiking on an old dirt road anymore. I don't know about it, but maybe I'll explore someday. There is an intersection across that road that leads to a trail, but I don't know if there is a second intersection.
Consider the number of classic war movies in film history, then consider this: The Cranes Are Flying ranks among the best war movies ever made.
Scott Renshaw Vyzygoth interviews Bill Zabel, Phantoms of Columbine, Parts
2 3 4 Repetitive note: Supplement Brainsturbator's offerings with Media Lens Updates (
1 2 3 4 5 6)--and pay attention to some (but only some) of Vyzygoth.
[T]he Wolfowitz affair ... stems above all from the conflict between American imperialism and its major rivals in Europe and Asia. In the end, there was a clear international lineup of the US, Canada and Japan, the relatively isolated defenders of Wolfowitz, against all the European powers including Britain, France and Germany, as well as China, India, Brazil and the bulk of the poorer countries.
Patrick Martin The Iraq war--all of the tired propaganda about the “war on terrorism,” the struggle for “democracy” and the “liberation” of the Iraqi people notwithstanding--is a failed attempt by America’s financial elite to further enrich itself and secure its continued global hegemony through the naked theft of Iraq’s oil wealth.
Bill Van Auken The US war and occupation have driven Iraqi women back generations, condemning millions to statutory second-class citizenship and nightmarish conditions in which they are virtually prisoners in their homes.
Bill Van Auken Like colonial conquerors before it, Washington sought to dominate Iraq with a policy of divide and rule. Having destroyed every national institution in the country, it sought to reconstitute political life along ethno-religious lines, giving a weight to the division between Sunnis and Shia that had never before existed in Iraq.
Bill Van Auken Just what America needs in 2009--a president who can tackle a fictional terrorist attack head on by putting a fictional character in charge. And you thought it couldn't get worse than Bush?
Democratic Underground Egotistic thought-terrorization is accomplished by the society itself and its processes of conversive thinking. This obviates the need for censorship of the press, theater, or broadcasting, as a pathologically hypersensitive censor lives within the citizens themselves.
--Andrew Lobaczewski (quoted by
Laura Knight Jadczyk)