Ring. Ring.

May 13, 2007 05:04

Nevada precinct caucuses are about eight months away, but somebody's already ringing doorbells for one of the Democratic party candidates. I need to put up a sign identifying me as an anti-imperialist. I wonder if it would do any good.

There is nothing “Socialist” about the French Socialist Party except its name, nor anything especially “left” about its program. It is one of the country’s leading bourgeois parties, which has been safely entrusted with the affairs of the French state periodically over the last two and a half decades.
--David Walsh

America invaded Iraq for two main reasons. First, it wished to sweep what it regarded as a chronic problem, Hussein's Iraq, off its foreign-affairs plate. Second, it wanted to remove Israel's most implacable opponent.
--John Chuckman (Chuckman seems clueless about the concept of bases but he gets a few things right)

[I]t is evident that the case follows a pattern of similar highly publicized terrorist “conspiracies” pursued by the Bush administration, in which the chief instigator of the alleged plot was a paid government informant and agent provocateur who encouraged the operation, made arrangements to secure weapons and pressed ahead in the face of the caution and reluctance of the so-called jihadists.
--Jerry White

The disfranchising of the working class is a European and international phenomenon. Across the continent, the former social democratic parties have adopted the policies of the right. Their names are the only remaining vestiges of their origins as mass organisations of the working class, retained only in order to sow political confusion in an attempt to impose their deeply unpopular policies on a hostile electorate.
--Statement by the Socialist Equality Party (Britain)

Consider: These guys could have been dragged off at any time.They were working illegally. They drove without licenses, and they received citations frequently during the "planning" period. I couldn't get away with that kind of behavior and neither could you, but these guys had a stay-out-of-jail card.
--Joseph Cannon

An $11.1 billion takeover bid for the Australian airline Qantas collapsed last weekend after the Macquarie Bank-led syndicate, Airline Partners Australia (APA), failed to meet the deadline for acquiring 50 percent of shares--a legal requirement for the offer to continue. If it had succeeded, the takeover would have been one of the largest in Australian corporate history.
--Terry Cook

Well, lo and beshit! I never thought I’d ever see the day. But even in my hardcore Republican run hometown, many conservatives are quietly sneaking away from the sing-along around the campfire of George Bush’s war-crazed hootenanny. Most of them are ordinary bona fide conservatives. But others slipping off under cover of darkness are among our richest Republicans who profiteered mightily in the security, construction and service businesses that sprouted like mushrooms from every aspect of the Iraq War. Either they have suddenly developed a streak of conscience, or they simply don’t want to be associated with the trail of crime, blood and feces Bush and his cronies have obviously tracked across the carpet of American history. My bet is on the latter.
--Joe Bageant

Law is deeply religious--a potent combination of mythology, faith and ritual. It is a religion of the powerful, imposed on us all--like missionaries converting natives at the point of a bayonet.

In those rare instances when the powerful who wield the law stumble, and the law falls into our hands, and they themselves are then exposed to the blade, formality becomes their shield and the “presumption of good will and good faith” becomes their armor. This latter is a journalistic standard--informal--that is exercised with respect to powerful political figures (that are not informally official foreign enemies). The American press presumes that American political leaders are exercising good will and good faith until proven otherwise. Given the preponderance of precedent, I haven’t a clue why this would be--aside from plain class loyalty, that is.
--Stan Goff

mythology faith and ritual, loopy conspiracy theories, joe bageant

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