Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Mar 17, 2007 05:11

Might be worth tracking down for the occasion: Daniel T. O'Connell's Owen Wister: Advocate of Racial Hatred: An Unpatriotic American, Who Seeks to Destroy American Tradtion, The Friends of Irish Freedom National Bureau of Information, May 1920.

Today is the traditional date for planting cool weather crops. I will be planting snow peas later, but it's so warm I'm not sure they'll sprout, unless the weather takes a cooler turn over the next couple of weeks. Maybe I should have planted last week.

Once again, the corporate media is feeding us a main course of half-truth and fabrication as the neocons and Israelis prepare to invade Iran, the next target on their total destruction roster.
--Kurt Nimmo

[W]e are expected to believe the Iraqi resistance, consisting of “little-known” terror groups that emerge for a moment and then slip back into the shadows, are so clueless they believe the neocons, including no shortage of complicit Democrats in Congress, will abandon the occupation after the Germans and Austrians pull up stakes, due to an abduction and murder here and there.
--Kurt Nimmo

Beatles in Australia--30th anniversary (parts 1 2 3 4 5 6)

The real reason for rejection of the (increasingly obvious) ZOG thesis is the fact that people proudly living in the Most Powerful Country in the World are embarrassed that a handful of Jewish poindexters managed to take over their entire military and diplomatic policy apparatus.

Though Jared Israel is a pain in the neck, his Khalilzad series is worth noting as long as the subject keeps coming up.

Like Silber, I too am out of words to describe the moral, political and personal cowardice of these wretched, quivering bootlickers. They will not take even the smallest measure to hamper even in the slightest degree the ability of the bloodthirsty cretin now squatting in the White House to launch yet another war of aggression. And they mouth the most witless arguments imaginable to justify their timidity.
--Chris Floyd

In the end, all of the attempts to explain away the Democrats’ position as a matter of pragmatic politics or an incremental strategy aimed at pressuring the White House begs the real explanation: the Democratic Party, like the Republicans, represents a ruling aristocracy in America that continues to support the original aims of the Iraq war--seizing control of the oil wealth of the Persian Gulf.
--Bill Van Auken

There is another aspect of the Libby case that deserves attention: whether the White House, despite its proclaimed “hands-off” policy, secretly colluded with Libby’s own defense attorneys and with Libby himself.
--Patrick Martin

One can easily imagine the porcine sissy Karl Rove pressing his gut against the Leader's side and mouthing the kind of pseudo-macho trash talk that turns Bush on.

No, there always seemed to be something else going on behind the legal arcana and political maneuvering that took up all the media oxygen around the case. And in fact, there is now a growing body of evidence that indicates that the destruction of Valerie Plame's counterproliferation operation--the long-time, multimillion-dollar front company, Brewster-Jennings--might have been the primary aim of the enterprise all along.
--Chris Floyd

Heilbrunn, a noted neoconservative himself, is like nearly every supposed "serious thinker" on the right side of the political aisle these days--so eager to escape the contagious necrotic effects of George W. Bush's political agenda that he concocts a kind of reinvented history that paints Bush as simply incompetent and not so Machiavellian, as though the two traits were somehow mutually exclusive when in fact they were deeply symbiotic in creating the Bush malaise.
--Dave Neiwert

It would be futile to knock down this movie for its historical distortions, given its self-promotion as a fantasy/adventure. The opening scene, showing the Spartans throwing the Persian emissaries down a well, actually relates not to Xerxes but to an earlier king, Darius, and Herodotus explicitly refers to it as a "crime" and goes on to say that when two Spartans offered themselves to Xerxes in retribution, the Persian king "with truly noble generosity replied that he would not behave like the Spartans."
--Kaveh L Afrasiabi

Masters, it is proved already that you are little better than false knaves; and it will go near to be thought so shortly.
--Dogberry (quoted by Michael J. Smith)

I decided to see the trailer for this latest movie. It was really annoying and amazing in that it has virtually nothing real at all as far as I can see. The fighting is about as fake and stupid a fantasy as possible.
--Elaine Meinel Supkis (she needs spell check and a lesson in coherent thought but it's a good rant)

After years of imprisonment and torture at the hands of the CIA Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has confessed to an incredible list of crimes, least of which is the sinking of the Maine in Havana harbor in 1898.
--The Spoof (quoted by Kurt Nimmo)

The movie doesn't even pretend to be anything but white supremacist, misogynist, islamophobic, ableist, or homophobic, in fact it prides itself on all these accounts. If we missed the homophobia at the beginning of the movie when King Leonidas briefly refers to Athenians as "Boy-loving philosophers," we get it again ten-fold repeatedly throughout the movie.
--Aradhana D

I'm really not obsessed about that movie. It's just that so many people are talking about it, I better make note of it. I can't summon up any interest in seeing it. If it calls itself a movie about the battle of Thermopylae, that's what it should be. If it makes up a total fantasy, it should be called something else, like Conan the Barbarian or something. The older movie The 300 Spartans at least seemed to try to be more historical, though not by too much, as I remember it.

Dave McGowan on Flight 93

Nick Broomfield’s Ghosts, about the fate of undocumented Chinese workers in the UK, is a powerful work. The semi-factual account is constructed around the drowning deaths of 23 Chinese cockle pickers who were caught by incoming tides at Morecambe Bay, England, in February 2004.
--Robert Stevens

beatles, australia, 300 spartans, democratic party, ghosts, iraq, gardening, scooter libby

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