Had to return to Jamison Lake. It's such a great day, and there were no group hikes planned anywhere. It was strangely empty, but not. I got to the trailhead pretty early and there were only another two cars there. Hiking up I had the trail to myself, but at Jamison Lake there were three or four guys fishing. I'm guessing they were camping at Rock Lake and just decided to try their luck at Jamison. They asked me if their car was still in the parking lot. It was. They left to have lunch but another guy and gal showed up with a couple of dogs. By that point I was planning on heading back anyway. A lot of people were coming up the trail by that time, and there were a bunch of people leaving Grass Lake by the time I got there. They were heading back to the campgrounds in Johnsville. I had a great time, and it's still early.
Barrie Zwicker, Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11
Robert Parry, Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & 'Project Truth'
Binary liquid explosives are a sexy staple of Hollywood thrillers.
Thomas C. Greene The outcome of the month-long war has been a strategic disaster for both the Israelis and the Bush administration. Israel and the US had prepared the war long in advance, awaiting only a suitable pretext to unleash the supposedly unstoppable power of Israel’s air force, artillery and tanks on the guerrilla fighters armed only with rockets and small arms. The goal was to create the conditions for consolidating a pliant, pro-American regime in Lebanon that would serve as a base against Syria and Iran.
Patrick Martin The Mosh Continues (Broadband QuickTime)
And the brief image of an applauding Dennis Kucinich is a deserved nod to a good man.
Jeff Wells (11/17/04)
If you remember Special Bulletin from your childhood, too, you probably remember the War of the Worlds-style panic it stirred. Despite the constant warnings throughout the broadcast (which appears only at the opening of the VHS version) that this faux news report about terrorists holding the city of Charleston as a nuclear hostage was indeed faux, some of the most credulous members of the viewing audience thought it was real.
MaryAnn Johanson The Register is pleasantly surprised to learn that humanity continues to muddle along after a leading Islamic scholar predicted its abrupt destruction on 22 August.
Thomas C. Greene Unlike, say, Godard, Melville's films are less pastiches or collages of other films and genres than slightly displaced but 'fully' formed examples of the cinemas they refer to (thus, L'Armeé des Ombres is still very much a war film, a Resistance film).
Adrian Danks We know very well that by Western standards there is no moral or legal justification for the war. Sufficient proof is the fact that for many years Israel regularly kidnapped Lebanese, sending them to prisons in Israel, including secret prisons like the notorious Camp 1391, which was exposed by accident and quickly forgotten (and in the US, never even reported within the mainstream). No one suggested that Lebanon, or anyone else, had the right to invade and destroy much of Israel in retaliation.
Noam Chomsky As we are once again entering into that special time when certain selected individuals choose to torment us with their twisted views on what we are supposed to care about, I invariably choose to do what I always do at election time. I pop in my copy of director Frank Capra's classic from 1939, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.
John A. Lavin Worth another look: The Power of Nightmares and the Media Lens commentary:
Baby It's Cold Outside The Phantom Victory The Shadows in the Cave The Story Begins When Manufacturing The Myth Of 'America' The red herring of "You wanted me to make a different series"