1774 - "And the man at the back said, "Everyone attack." and it turned into a ballroom blitz."

Nov 30, 2009 11:18

Finished The Mill on the Floss which was really good. I liked it even better than Middlemarch. They story was slow going at first since she takes so much time just to establish all the characters into their correct places, but once she does, it takes off.

I was supposed to read Big Sur next because I told Anthony he could tell me to, but I think this is a book I'd like to actually own, so I was bookless. It was also suggested I read Candide but I am still in the middle of Rousseau's Confessions and I thought that two eighteenth-century Frenchmen might be two eighteenth-century Frenchmen too many. So I grabbed Never let me go from work instead and will start that on my way home from work.

books, reading

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